Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How to Prevent Colic in Infants

How to Prevent Colic in Infants

All newborn babies go through periods of crying or fussiness. However, when a healthy baby cries for more than 3 hours per day, more than 3 days per week for at least 3 weeks, it is a condition known as colic. Although colic can be highly upsetting for both baby and parents, it is a normal condition, and it will eventually go away on its own.
Many people believe that a breastfeeding mother's diet can have an effect on a baby's system. Avoiding certain foods for your baby's first six weeks will help to minimize or prevent colic. Some foods can negatively affect a newborn, because it takes approximately two months for the digestive system to mature. Here are some ideas for preventing colic in your baby.



    Avoid eating certain fruits during your baby's first six weeks. These include berries, mangoes, grapes, melons, lemons and pineapples.


    Avoid eating certain vegetables during your baby's first six weeks. These include broccoli, cabbage, peas, cucumber, cauliflower, raw onions and lentils.


    Avoid drinking coffee or alcohol while you are nursing. The alcohol or caffeine will pass through your breast milk to your baby.


    Purchase special bottles. Bottle-feeding may cause and aggravate colic in your baby. Consider purchasing specially made anti-colic bottles. They cost more than regular bottles, but they are a good investment if your baby suffers from colic.


    Feed your baby in an upright position. If you feed your baby while she is lying down, her digestion will slow down and her chances of getting colic will increase. Be sure to burp your baby after she is finished eating. If she suffers from colic, have her sit upright for about an hour after she eats. This will help her food to digest properly.

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