Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Relief for Post-Nasal Drip During Breastfeeding

Post-nasal drip occurs when the sinuses produce too much mucus and can result in coughing, congestion or chronic sore throat. Different medications vary in efficacy and safety during breastfeeding, so knowing which medications and alternative health solutions are safe for your baby can help you decide how to treat your post-nasal drip.

Safe Medications

    To reduce excess mucus or congestion, consider a nasal spray. Kelly Mom, an online resource for breastfeeding moms, says that nasal sprays are generally considered compatible with breastfeeding. Look for a nasal spray that contains phenylephrine, as opposed to one containing oxymetazoline. When post-nasal drip is caused by allergies, sprays such as Flonase or NasalCrom are safe and effective for breastfeeding moms. Also, the homeopathic nasal gel Zicam is a safe option while breastfeeding.

    Decongestants pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine are both safe; however, Kelly Mom says pseudoephedrine may reduce milk supply by 24 percent. Don't take pseuodephedrine on a regular basis, as it could permanently decrease milk supply.

    If you're experiencing throat irritation due to excess mucus flow, try a sore throat spray or lozenge, as they're generally compatible with breastfeeding. Avoid lozenges with menthol, which could reduce milk supply.

Alternative Health Solutions

    For a more natural approach to treat post-nasal drip, consider alternative methods. Make your own nasal spray to avoid chemical ingredients. Add 1/2 tsp. salt and a pinch of baking soda to 1 cup of lukewarm water. Spritz the solution a few times into your nose using a child-sized bulb syringe. Blow your nose to help break up excess mucus. Or, take a hot shower with no shower fan on, as steamy, hot water can relieve congestion. Also, the homeopathy treatment Pulsatilla Nigricans may help to relieve exportation and congestion associated with post-nasal drip. Kelly Mom says that homeopathic remedies are compatible with breastfeeding.

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