Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to Alleviate Engorgement

Engorgement is the term used to describe the overabundance of milk in the breasts. Engorgement usually happens when your milk first comes in, which is just a few days after delivery. However, it can happen at other times as well. Engorgement is usually very painful because the breasts become swollen and very tender. There are a few things you can do to alleviate engorgement. And most moms will tell you, the sooner the better.



    The best way to cure engorgement is to prevent it. After you deliver, you should try to room in with your baby. This means that instead of your baby spending time in the nursery, he spends his time with you. Rooming in allows you to observe the early signs of your baby's hunger like rooting and sucking on his hands or clothes. Whenever these signs are first apparent, you should try and put your baby to breast right away. The more frequently the baby nurses, the less chance you will have to develop engorgement.


    Before nursing, you can apply warm compresses to your breasts or take a warm shower. Doing either of these things will soften your breasts so that it is easier for the baby to latch on. Babies have a very difficult time latching on to hard nipples and swollen breasts.


    If you find that you are severely engorged, you can place a cold cabbage leaf right inside of your bra after nursing. The coldness and healing properties of cabbage will help eliminate the pain and tenderness of the breast.


    Nurse frequently. The more often your baby nurses, the less likely it is that you'll become engorged. You should alternate breasts when feeding as well. This will give each breast the chance to empty completely.

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