Monday, August 27, 2012

How to Supplement Without Diminishing Milk Supply

How to Supplement Without Diminishing Milk Supply

Everyone knows that breastfeeding is best and it is a perfect match of nutrition for your newborn's growing body. However, there are some mothers who may be concerned that there baby is not gaining enough weight. Usually there is nothing to worry about, but if you would like to supplement with formula, it is completely possible to do without diminishing your milk supply, despite what you may have been told. By following these steps, you will be able to supplement with formula now and then for whatever reason and still be able to continue breastfeeding for as long as you want.



    Make sure your baby is very comfortable with latching on. It is very important before you try introducing a bottle that your baby is good with latching on, because some children develop nipple confusion and may not take the breast very well after taking a bottle. In most cases, they take to both just fine after they are good at latching onto the breast.


    Breastfeed your baby like you normally would, except insert a bottle of formula for one feeding. Just try a couple ounces at first, to make sure that they take to it. Some babies cannot take certain formulas, so if you decide to add formula into your newborn's diet, it is important to only give a little the first time.


    Have your husband, boyfriend, or someone else feed your baby the formula while you use a breastpump to express your milk. You could also pump directly afterwards if you have to.


    Pump your breasts for at least 10 minutes on each breast to simulate your child feeding. Babies are much more effective at getting the milk out than a breast pump, but breast pumps do work. If you feel like it's not as much as your baby would get, pump a little longer even if you do not see milk coming out.


    Continue with your breastfeeding schedule as normal, while supplementing and pumping every other day. If you would like to supplement more, then make sure you pump more. In order to keep up your milk supply you have to be stimulating your breasts as often as your baby would.

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