Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What Helps a Congested Baby?

A congested baby makes for an unhappy parent and all you want to do is make your baby feel better so you can both rest easy. Taking care of a congested baby is simple and involves some basic at home treatments and remedies. You want to catch the congestion as early as possible to prevent it from worsening or turning into an infection.


    Steam is one of the most powerful natural decongestants in the world. Turn your shower on hot and close the bathroom door. Sit with your baby in the bathroom for 15 minutes. It will get hot and be very steamy in the room but that is exactly what he needs. He will breathe in the steam and it will clear his nasal passages as well as throat. He may cough more at first but that is just clearing the running liquid and moisture in the passageways.

Eucalyptus Oil

    Add two or three drops of eucalyptus oil to the shower head when steaming the baby. The baby will inhale the vapors from the steam and bring the oil in. The oil is known to have some antiseptic and astringent properties that help decongest the nostrils and soothe the nasal passage allowing it to heal.

Breast Milk and Saline Solutions

    Loosen mucus with a breast milk nasal spray or a saline nasal spray. Breast milk tastes better for the baby since there tends to be some liquid that drops back down the throat when a nasal spray is used. Both are very effective. All you need is a small dropper and you gently insert it in the baby's nostrils and release a couple drops a few times a day until the congestion is completely cleared. This will cause a runny nose since it will be decongesting the nasal passage, this is normal so don't be alarmed.

Use a Humidifier While Your Baby Sleeps

    Run a humidifier when the baby sleeps. The added moisture in the air will help keep the baby's nasal passages clear. It will also prevent bloody noses and fevers.

Breastfeed More

    Doctors swear that breastfeeding more provides babies with all the essential nutrients they need to protect their bodies from illness, infection and other conditions. Breastfeeding more can help the congestion clear.

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