Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How to Increase Chance of Having Twins

Having two children that are dressed alike is so adorable. The twins will always have a friend to hang out with and someone who understands what they are going through. It's also a way to get a larger family faster. Can you really increase your odds of having twins?



    Take fertility drugs. One of the effects of fertility drugs is that it increases the chances of having multiple births. Sometimes more than twins are born. This drug is mostly given to couples who are having trouble conceiving a child.


    Eat yams. Yams are popular in the Nigerian village of Igbo-Ora. The village is referred to as the "the land of twins" because mostly all of the families within the village have a set of twins. The high number of twins in the village has led fertility experts to believe that eating yams might increase the chances of a woman having twins in her family.


    Get pregnant when you are older. The older a person is when they are pregnant, the more it increases their chance of having twins. The reason older woman are more likely to have twins is because of an increased ovulation of multiple eggs. Many celebrities over 40, such as Angelina Jolie and Julia Roberts, have had twins.


    Get pregnant while breastfeeding. If you are breastfeeding another young baby when you get pregnant, this will also increase the likelihood that you will have twins. Experts believe this is because the lack of calcium in a woman's system has an effect on the egg during conception and ovulation.


    Make sure twins run in your family. A history of twins on the maternal side of the family is said to increase the chances that you will have twins. There is an inherited gene that causes a woman to release more than one egg during an ovulation cycle to cause the birth of twins. Experts are still debating where this gene can be passed on the father's side of the family.

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