Wednesday, October 17, 2012

How to Increase Milk Production When Breastfeeding

How to Increase Milk Production When Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding mothers sometimes worry that they won't produce enough breast milk, but the truth is that most do. Women can even produce enough milk to nurse twins. As long as your baby gains weight as expected, she's probably getting enough milk. If you have reason to suspect you're not producing enough breast milk, though, you can do some things to increase your milk supply.



    Drink plenty of fluids, at least 64 oz. every day. Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeine, though, when you breastfeed.


    Nurse as often as your baby will nurse, aiming for every three hours while your baby is very young. If your baby sleeps much more than three hours at a time, wake her for a feeding.


    Nurse at both breasts each time you breastfeed your baby. Offer one breast, and as soon as your baby's sucking begins to slow down, switch your baby to the other breast. Your baby should suck vigorously again for a few minutes, and as soon as her sucking starts to slow down, switch her back to the other breast. Try to feed twice from each breast each time you breastfeed your baby.


    Limit the use of bottles to times when you absolutely cannot breastfeed your baby, such as when you go to work. Avoid pacifiers altogether. Allow your baby to meet her needs for sucking at your breast, which encourages her to suck more, thereby increasing milk production.


    Rent a hospital grade breast pump, preferably a double pump so you can pump both breasts at the same time in order to save you time, and pump at times you cannot feed your baby. If you have trouble increasing your milk supply, you can also pump for 10 or 15 minutes after your baby finishes nursing to further increase your milk supply.


    Consider the use of herbs to increase your milk supply but check with your doctor or midwife first. According to the website Breastfeeding Basics, fenugreek, red raspberry and blessed thistle can all increase the production of breast milk. Women with certain health problems or allergies may experience problems if they take certain herbal remedies, though, and herbal remedies can interact with some medications, so always consult a health care professional before taking them, especially when breastfeeding.


    Talk to your doctor or midwife about prescription medications to increase milk production if other methods don't do the job.

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