Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to Tone Your Post-baby Belly

How to Tone Your Post-baby Belly

During the last few weeks of pregnancy, many new moms fantasize about walking out of the hospital carrying their newborns -- wearing their skinny jeans. Unfortunately, most women spend the first few weeks of motherhood still wearing maternity pants. Your body took nine months to grow your baby and it will take some time to return to normal. With hard work and willpower you can shrink and tone your post-baby belly.



    Breastfeed your baby. Breastfeeding in the first few months after birth causes uterine contractions that make the uterus shrink. You will notice more definition in your midsection as your uterus shrinks back to normal size. Breastfeeding mothers also burn more calories and lose weight faster than mothers who feed their babies formula.


    Participate in cardio exercises to lose weight all over, including your stomach. Until you lose your baby weight, your abdominal muscles will be covered in a layer of fat that hides the muscle definition. Walking or jogging with your baby in a stroller or joining a gym can help you lose pregnancy pounds.


    Target your stomach muscles. Do curl-ups and leg lifts on the floor to work your abdominal muscles. For curl-ups, lie on your back with your knees up and your feet flat on the floor. Place your arms at your sides. Slowly curl your shoulders, neck and head up while reaching your hands to your knees. Sit-ups will also tone your belly.


    Monitor your calorie intake. Cutting calories will help you lose weight and allow your stomach muscles to show. Make sure you consume enough calories. Women need at least 1,200 calories a day. Breastfeeding mothers have even higher caloric requirements.

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