Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to Create a Nursing Schedule

How to Create a Nursing Schedule

When you bring a newborn home, the excitement of a new addition can throw anyone's schedule off. In order to provide for the needs of your baby and get some rest yourself, adapting to a nursing schedule is essential. Breastfeeding has plenty of benefits for you and your baby--including helping you drop those last pounds of baby weight and lowering the risk of infection in your newborn. While getting on a schedule at first may seem tricky, both you and your baby will quickly adapt to regular feedings.



    Create a schedule for your baby in other areas of his life so regular nursing will fit into place throughout the day. For example, bathe, read or play with your baby at the same time every day so he gets used to the idea of a routine, then incorporate frequent nursing into his day so he begins to expect feedings at regular times.


    Allow your baby to get enough during feeding time so she sleeps soundly between feedings. If your baby falls asleep during a feeding, she may wake up feeling hungry in just a short time if you stop feeding and put her to sleep--which will prevent a schedule from sticking. Instead, talk to your baby or play baby music during feedings to keep her awake until she gets her fill.


    Monitor your baby's rhythms and detect other schedules your baby is on to help you decide when to begin a nursing schedule. Baby Center suggests watching how long your baby sleeps, when she needs diaper changes and how long she is alert. This will allow you to naturally start a nursing schedule to fit in with other schedules throughout the day.

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