Monday, February 13, 2012

How to Raise Preemies

A preemie is a premature baby. A baby is supposed to live in the womb for 40 weeks. A baby that is born after the 36th week is early according to its due date but is considered full-term. A baby that is born before the 35th week is premature. There are several things parents can do to help their preemie grow and thrive.



    Make an appointment with a pediatrician as soon as you leave the hospital. Take your preemie to the doctor 1 week after bringing her home, then again 2 weeks later. The pediatrician should see your preemie every 2 weeks until the premature baby is gaining weight and growing steadily.


    Stock up on the formula that your baby received in the hospital. Do not switch to a different formula without a doctor's consent. Premature babies often cannot tolerate formulas intended for full-term babies. Purchase several 4-oz. bottles with preemie or newborn nipples. Standard 8-oz. bottles and newborn-sized nipples are too big for a preemie. A premature baby will eat as often as every 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Do not be surprised if your preemie does not consume more than 1/4 to 1/2 of an ounce of formula per feeding. Gently burp your baby by holding her against your shoulder and rubbing her back in a circular motion.


    Buy more baby clothes. Chances are you have a whole nursery full of newborn-sized clothes. Clothing intended for newborns will be uncomfortably large on a premature baby. You can purchase preemie-sized sleepers, t-shirts, socks, and outfits in any store that sells baby clothes. Make sure to get baby hats, too. A premature baby should always wear a hat to regulate her body heat. You will also need to pick up some preemie diapers. If you don't have preemie diapers, roll down the front and the back of a newborn diaper by 1 inch and secure by pulling the tabs all the way into the middle of the diaper.


    Get lots of receiving blankets. Your baby will benefit from being swaddled for the first few weeks. Swaddling a baby holds in body heat and gives your preemie the snug and secure feeling she had in the womb. To swaddle your preemie, lay a receiving blanket diagonally on a bed. Lay your baby on the blanket so that her head is on the top point. Fold the bottom point up over the baby. Pull one side over and around the baby. Wrap the other side over and around the baby. Pick up and hold the swaddled baby to comfort and soothe her.


    Use a bassinet rather than a crib. A crib is a very large space for a tiny preemie. A premature baby may feel more comfortable in a smaller-sized bassinet. A bassinet is convenient as it can be moved easily from room to room. Never put your baby to sleep in the bed with you.


    Invest in a baby monitor. A premature baby needs constant care and attention. It is important to always be able to hear your baby. A premature baby cannot lift her head the way a newborn can. She may choke if she spits up while lying on her back. You can prevent serious problems by listening to your baby and quickly responding to any unusual sounds.

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