Friday, September 27, 2013

How to Know When Baby Is Ready to Sleep Through Night?

Babies can be so unpredictable. Some babies may go right to sleep on their own while others may make more of a fuss at bedtime. Young babies do have a harder time staying asleep all night because they have more needs than an older baby. There are some signs and a few ways to assist your baby in sleeping more, to where gradually their sleep should become an all night pattern. Heres how:



    Activity will increase during the day. Naturally the older babies get, the more alert and active they will become during the day. They may not skip all naps, but if your baby refuses to take one nap, this is all right because the more they stay up during the day; the more they will want to sleep at night.


    When the baby on his/her own decides to skip a nighttime feeding. After the last feeding before bedtime, babies will begin to go longer and longer before awakening.


    As your babies' stomach gets bigger. The older your babies get, the more food they can consume at once because their stomachs are growing. Obviously it takes more food for you to be full than it does for a baby but as their stomach grows it will be able to hold more at each feeding. This will also start spacing feedings further apart.


    Breastfeeding and formula feeding differences. Generally, if you are breastfeeding, your baby will need more feedings than in a formula fed baby. Formula is known to sit in a babies stomach for a bit longer. Also, giving your baby cereal can make him/her more full. Some people feed babies (baby) cereal before bedtime because of this reason. Eventually your baby will start more solid or baby foods with breast milk or formula, thus filling their stomachs better.


    When satisfaction and comfort is achieved. If your babies is satisfies, he/she will not wake up crying during the night. Feeding is not the only reason babies awake during the night. They may wake up because they are feeling sick, are in a noisy environment, need a diaper change or they want to be consoled. If all these areas are taken care of, your baby should be able to sleep through the night possibly between two and three months.

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