Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What Are Bottle Liners?

What Are Bottle Liners?

Because breastfeeding is the most natural way for a baby to be fed, bottle liners were introduced as an innovative means to mimic the breastfeeding experience while feeding a baby with a bottle. Bottle liners are just one of many types of bottle-feeding accessories available to parents today.

General Information

    Using a bottle with a "drop-in" or bottle liner can encourage breastfeeding babies to take a bottle while still nursing. Because the drop-in mimics the breast as it collapses while nursing, breastfed babies are more likely to alternate between bottle and breast using this method. Many nursing mothers prefer bottle liners to traditional bottles.


    Fresh bottle liners are clean, sterile and disposable. They don't require washing or sanitizing because they should be thrown away after each use. Bottle liners eliminate excess air intake because they collapse as they empty. This leads to less gas for baby. Playtex claims that its bottle liners are "clinically proven to reduce gas, colic, and spit-up." They also eliminate the need for numerous bottles; only one bottle is actually needed if you are using bottle liners. This can free up space in the kitchen by eliminating clutter.


    Bottle liners can be costly because they cannot be reused. They can also create an inconvenience if ample supplies are not available. Running out of bottle liners with a hungry baby in the middle of the night is not a desirable situation. It is recommended that bottle liners not be heated in the microwave. Additionally, if the liner is not applied correctly, the bottle may leak.


    According to the Environmental Working Groups, "The soft plastic liners may leach chemicals into formula and breast milk, especially when heated." It is important to thoroughly read and follow all of the instructions provided with the bottle liners before using them.

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