Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to Stop a Breast From Leaking

How to Stop a Breast From Leaking

Lactating mothers often experience breast leakage during the early weeks and months of breastfeeding. The oxytocin hormone causes the milk ejection reflex (MER), known as letdown, causing the milk to flow freely from either breasts. According to lactation expert, Susan Condon, leaking breasts are a sign that lactation is going well, and are the body's way of preventing breast engorgement. If you are currently nursing, there are a few ways to stop your breast from leaking.



    Apply firm pressure on both breasts by crossing one or both arms over the nipples when taking off your bra. Breasts will get heavy due to the accumulation of milk hours after your last nursing. Feed your baby right away to relieve the feeling of fullness from your breast. If the baby is not hungry, pump your milk out and store it in the refrigerator for later use.


    Press your nipple firmly on one breast with your palm when your baby is feeding on the other side. Leaks often happen during the time when your child is sucking milk from one breast while the other side is full of milk. Allow the baby to feed on the other side as soon as you feel that he has sucked some of the milk out from the other breast.


    Lie down on your back when resting or sleeping. Do not sleep on your stomach to prevent your breasts from getting squeezed. When laying on your side, avoid putting your weight on your breast.


    Use washable or disposable breasts pad under a comfortable-fitting nursing bra when you are going out. They are designed to absorb leaking milk and keep your bra dry. Change them right away as soon as they get wet to prevent nipple soreness and fungal infections. If breastfeeding at home, use a cloth diaper to absorb the leaks.

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