Friday, November 4, 2011

How to Care for Sore Nipples While Breast-Feeding

Breast-feeding a baby is an innately nurturing act of a mother, but it can also be the biggest sacrifice she has ever known when her nipples are sore. Combine lack of sleep with pain, and it is clear why breast-feeding doesn't always feel natural or comfortable. Thankfully, the steps to care for sore nipples while breast-feeding are simple and easy to follow and provide much-needed healing.




    Positioning your baby correctly at the breast eliminates the possibility of pain being caused by slipping off the nipple and also reduces existing pain. Sit upright or lie down in a comfortable position before feeding your baby. If you are sitting, you can put a nursing pillow on your lap under your baby or use a regular pillow to prop baby up in front of the breast.


    Position your baby so your tummies are facing one another. When you are ready to feed, bring your baby toward the breast--instead of leaning toward the baby--so you keep yourself positioned comfortably. This takes a little bit of practice, so be gentle with yourself.


    Reposition pillows to support the arm holding the baby as needed.



    The movement to bring the baby's mouth onto the breast and nipple is called the latch. A proper latch takes care of most nipple soreness. One key with latching a baby properly is to remember that the tip of the nipple is supposed to be at the back of the baby's mouth, not the front.


    To ensure a healthy latch that will eliminate soreness and make sure baby is getting enough milk, wait for baby to open wide before bringing her to the breast. You can make an "o" with your mouth to demonstrate an open mouth to your baby, trace the baby's lips in a circle, squeeze a little milk from the nipple onto baby's lips or tickle the lips with the tip of the nipple to get baby to open wide.


    When baby opens wide, hold the feeding breast in one hand and bring baby toward the breast while placing the nipple toward the back of the baby's mouth. With a proper latch, the baby will have the nipple and much of the areola (the dark circle at the base of the nipple) in the mouth. Both lips will be flanged out around the areola and baby will be sucking well at the breast.


    Pain might be felt initially when the baby first latches on as a mother gets used to breast-feeding. However, pain that continues throughout the feeding is a sign that the latch is not proper or there is another issue contributing to the pain.


    If the latch does not feel good, gently place the tip of your pinkie in the baby's mouth to break the suction, pull baby back from the breast and try again.

Skin Care


    While caring for sore nipples, it is important to allow plenty of fresh air to circulate. Wear soft, button-down shirts and remove any constrictive clothing, such as bras or tight shirts.


    Pure lanolin is a soothing topical ointment that can be safely used at anytime while breast-feeding. It does not need to be removed before feeding and can be purchased at most pharmacies.


    Apply lanolin immediately after a feeding while nipples are still wet and allow it to remain on the nipples. Reapply as desired.


    Expose nipples to a little sunshine for natural healing.

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