Monday, October 17, 2011

How to Use Breast Shields

How to Use Breast Shields

If you intend to breastfeed but have flat or inverted nipples, your baby may have difficulty latching on to get the milk that he needs. You may also experience some dryness and soreness of your nipples after breastfeeding, which can lead to irritation and chaffing on your bra. Breast shields, also known as breast shells, are small plastic devices that come in two parts. One part is worn to help pull your nipple out a bit so that your baby can latch on more easily. The other part is worn over your nipple to protect it from chaffing.



    Use the breast shield that has the larger hole in it. Ensure it is thoroughly clean by washing it in warm, soapy water. Dry it and place it over your nipple firmly so that you see the nipple start to protrude out of the hole.


    Wear the breast shells for about half an hour before you are due to feed your baby. This will help the inverted nipple to come out enough for your baby to latch on. There are small air holes in the breast shield which allow the air to circulate around your nipples. Clean your nipples thoroughly after taking off the shield before feeding your baby.


    Wash the breast shield after use with soap and water. Breast milk may leak out, and bacteria can multiply in the damp, warm conditions next to your breast.


    Wear the dome-shaped shield supplied in your nipple shield pack underneath your bra if you have sore or cracked nipples. Place the shield firmly over your nipple and under your bra. The shield will prevent your bra from rubbing on your sore nipples, preventing further irritation. Some shields come with foam inserts which can be used soak up leaking milk, and then washed and reused.

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