Sunday, October 16, 2011

How to Get out Breast Milk Stains in Baby Clothes

How to Get out Breast Milk Stains in Baby Clothes

Breastfeeding is one of the most nurturing, intimate moments shared between a mother and child. Unfortunately, breast milk stains come with the territory. It can stain up your clothes and the baby's clothes. When removing breast milk stains from your baby's clothes remember to consider his sensitive, delicate skin. The fragrance and chemicals in some detergents could cause a baby to breakout.

Pre-Treat with Detergent

    Pre-treat the breast milk stain by pouring laundry detergent directly on it and scrubbing it using an old tooth brush. Rinse the clothing item in the water temperature recommended by the manufacturer and repeat as necessary. You can't just use any detergent. Purchase a detergent that was created for infant and toddler clothes. These type of detergents contain less chemicals to prevent skin rashes in infants. Baby detergents are fragrance-free, free of dyes, brighteners and softeners which, could leave behind residue on the clothing. Once you pre-treat the stain wash it according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Natural Stain Removers

    Baking soda and club soda are two household products that can be used to remove breast milk stains. Sprinkle baking soda over the stained area and then pour club soda on top of the baking soda. This will cause your mixture to foam. Allow it to sit for approximately 30 seconds on the stain. Take a toothbrush and gently scrub the area before placing it in the washer.

Stain Removers

    Stain removers are effective at removing breast milk stains from baby clothing items. It prevents the breast milk stain from setting in before you wash it. Many stain removers available are made for baby clothing--so they are not as harsh on babies' skin. Apply the stain remover according to the manufacturer's instructions. Wash the the items immediately following the stain removal treatment.

Treat It Immediatelty with Soaking

    Remove breast milk stains immediately by taking the clothing item off of the baby and soaking it in water. Fill your sink or tub with just enough water to submerge the clothing item. Read the manufacturer's label to determine the water temperature of the water. Place a cap full of detergent into the water. Allow the clothing item to soak until the stain is removed. Check the items within an hour of soaking it. Use an old toothbrush to scrub away the stain and help with the process move along faster. Once the stain is removed, rinse the clothes. Wash it immediately or allow it to air dry before placing it into the dirty clothes hamper.

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