Sunday, August 14, 2011

Herbal Detox for Breastfeeding Women

Herbal Detox for Breastfeeding Women

Detoxing is the process of trying to eliminate harmful materials from your body. Drug addicts need to detox the drugs from their system before they can treat their addiction. Others with unhealthy diets will try to purge food toxins from their bodies, and many people look for ways to eliminate environmental toxins. Detoxification can be more complicated while breast-feeding since fasting is never a good idea for a nursing mother. Herbs are one option and there are some that are more effective and safer than others.

Diet and herbs

    Always maintain a healthy diet when nursing, including during the detox process. Remember that your baby can only get the nutrients that you provide for her, so if you don't keep yourself well-nourished, your baby will suffer nutritionally. For general elimination of toxins, herbalist Susan Weed recommends dandelion as an effective liver tonic. Dandelion works best when taken immediately before meals. Weed also recommends nettle infusion as an excellent kidney tonic that can be consumed in small or large amounts with no ill-effects for the mother or the infant. Comfrey and raspberry leaf, red clover, nettles, and alfalfa are all recommended for encouraging breast milk production. Organic fennel seed is another effective detoxing herb while nursing, according to Bartram's Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine.

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    Herbalists generally recommend limiting herbal intake to one or two treatments at a time while nursing, and they encourage consulting a physician before doing so. Overindulgence in herbs may not affect you, but while nursing it could be overwhelming and detrimental to the baby. Susan Weed recommends staying away from both milk thistle and golden seal while nursing.

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