Thursday, December 19, 2013

How to Prevent Tooth Decay in a Baby

Tooth decay in babies can happen when liquids containing sugar stay in a baby's mouth for long periods of time, such as when the baby is sleeping. Here are several ways you can prevent toothy decay in your baby.



    Never let a baby go to sleep with a bottle filled with formula, milk, juice or any other drink that contains sugar.


    If a baby has to have a bottle to fall asleep, then fill the bottle with a little bit of water.


    Clean the baby's gums at least once a day with a soft, damp washcloth. If the baby has teeth, clean them with a soft baby toothbrush or with a wet washcloth. It's a good idea to wash the baby's gums and teeth after they have had the last bottle of the day.


    If a baby is breastfed, don't let the baby sleep all night feeding on the breast. It is the same as putting a baby to sleep with a bottle in its mouth.


    Never dip a pacifier into syrup, honey, sugar or anything sweet. Try to avoid giving the baby any sweets, even if it is just on the pacifier.

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