Sunday, December 15, 2013

Breastfeeding & the Diabetic Mother

Breastfeeding & the Diabetic Mother

Expectant mothers who have diabetes need not be concerned about breastfeeding their baby. Although there are many myths that breastfeeding is not good for the diabetic mother or child, there are many facts about the benefits of breastfeeding, even when diabetic.

What is Diabetes?

    Diabetes is defined as the body's inability to produce enough insulin required to regulate your bodies blood sugar levels. According to Diabetes Health, "Breastfeeding is the optimal way of providing ideal food for the health, growth and development of human infants while simultaneously benefiting the lactating mother."

Decreased Insulin Use

    When a diabetic mother breastfeeds, sugars from her blood transfer to the infant through the breast milk, lowering the daily blood sugar levels, which, in turn, requires a decreased use of insulin. Diabetic mothers might want to eat a bit more to ensure that their blood sugar levels do not drop too low and monitor their levels at all times.

Chronic Disease in Child

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C. reports in its Blueprint for Action on Breastfeeding that most recent studies on infant breastfeeding indicate lower instances of chronic diseases among children who were breastfed. It also suggests that breastfeeding may reduce the risk of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in those children. The report goes on to say that because babies born to diabetic mothers are already at an increased risk of developing diabetes later in life, breastfeeding is of utmost importance because it could lower the risk of the child developing the disease.


    In La Leche League International pamphlet, The Diabetic Mother and Breastfeeding, it states that some diabetic mothers could benefit by a partial remission of their symptoms while breastfeeding as well as an increase in overall health because after birth, hormones pass through the mother that cause psychological and metabolic changes in the mother.

Weight Loss

    Breastfeeding is a great calorie burner, which can promote weight loss. Since diabetes can sometimes be managed by weight loss, breastfeeding your infant would be an advantage for the diabetic mother.

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