Thursday, November 14, 2013

How to Treat Breast Milk Jaundice

How to Treat Breast Milk Jaundice

Breast milk jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and is identified in breast fed babies who are at least one week old. It is typically diagnosed after other more serious causes of jaundice are ruled out. Start to treat breast milk jaundice by understanding what causes jaundice in newborns. Read on to learn how to treat breast milk jaundice.



    Know that jaundice is caused by a build-up in the blood of bilirubin, which is made up of old blood cells usually processed by the liver. The liver enzyme that metabolizes bilirubin has sometimes not matured yet in newborns, which leads to jaundice.


    Relax in the knowledge that breast milk jaundice usually is not a cause for concern. If the baby is at least a week old, otherwise healthy, gaining weight, having plenty of bowel movements and clear urine, breast milk jaundice will probably be identified. However, it is important to have the level of bilirubin in the blood checked; while rare, extremely high levels of bilirubin can lead to tragic circumstances.


    Treat breast milk jaundice by continuing to breastfeed. Breast milk jaundice is sometimes seen in babies who aren't getting enough breast milk. Bowel movements are less frequent, so the bilirubin is re-absorbed into the baby's system instead of being eliminated, causing the bilirubin build-up. Nursing your baby more frequently may cure the jaundice without any other intervention.


    Find that by continuing to breastfeed, breast milk jaundice will usually correct itself in three to 10 weeks. Some doctors recommend supplementing with formula for one to two days to more quickly correct the jaundice, while others feel that it isn't necessary. Pump to keep your supply of breast milk at an adequate level, and do what you are most comfortable with along with the advice of your doctor.

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