Thursday, August 15, 2013

How to Eat Healthy When Breastfeeding

How to Eat Healthy When Breastfeeding

As a nursing mother, you don't have to be as concerned about your diet as you were when you were pregnant. You will have much more leeway. However, there are still things that you should cut back on and even avoid while you are breastfeeding. Follow these tips to eat healthy when you are breastfeeding.



    Cut back on caffeine. One or two caffeinated beverages a day will not have a negative impact on you or your baby when you are nursing. However, more than that is not a good idea. Too much caffeine can make you and your baby jittery and make it more difficult for you both to sleep.


    Avoid nicotine. Many of the toxic substances in tobacco products will work their way into your breast milk. Smoking can also decrease milk production. It can also cause your baby to vomit, have diarrhea and an increased heart rate.


    Avoid alcohol. Alcohol will end up in your breast milk. Alcohol can make your baby sleepy, lethargic, unresponsive and unable to nurse effectively. Too much alcohol will also impair your ability to care for your newborn.


    Be careful with herbs. Although natural, many herbs are not safe for your baby. There are no rules for selling and distributing herbs and they are not monitored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Be sure to talk with your doctor before using any type of herbal treatment when you are breastfeeding.


    Use safe sweeteners. Avoid saccharine and use aspartame on a limited basis. Only very small amounts of aspartame pass into your breast milk. However, the long term heath effects are not yet known. Splenda is considered to be safe because it is made from sugar.


    Eat foods that are organic. This will help to protect your baby from pesticides. If you cannot afford organic produce or it is not available to you, be sure to thoroughly clean all of your fruits and vegetables.


    Eat a low-fat diet. This will make it easier to loose weight after pregnancy. Pesticides and other chemicals that are ingested by animals are stored in their fat. Eating low fat and lean meats will eliminate many chemicals that farm animals are exposed to.

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