Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to Do Tandem Breastfeeding

How to Do Tandem Breastfeeding

Tandem breastfeeding, or tandem nursing, is the breastfeeding of two children at the very same time. You can tandem breastfeed twins, or children of different ages, such as a newborn and a toddler. Tandem breastfeeding takes some patience and practice, but lets you feed two children at once. Follow these steps to breastfeed your babies.



    Eat a highly nutritious diet. In order to provide adequate nutrition for two breastfeeding children, you need to make sure that you fill your diet with healthy foods, including lean meats, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products. Try to incorporate foods into your diet that provide high levels of protein, iron, calcium, folic acid and zinc. Junk foods will have to be limited in order to successfully tandem breastfeed.


    Think about the order in which you will breastfeed your children. In the first few days of your newborn's life, you will want to make sure that you breastfeed the newborn first so he will get the nutrient rich colostrum from your breast milk. After your milk comes in, however, you can breastfeed your children in any order or even breastfeed them simultaneously. The way in which you tandem breastfeed depends on your children's feeding schedules and on your own personal preferences.


    Consider positions for tandem breastfeeding if you choose to breastfeed your children at the same time. You can use a variety of positions to accomplish this. You may choose to hold both children in a cradle hold or both children in a football hold. You can even do a combination hold, with one child in a football hold and one child in a cradle hold. You can also tandem breastfeed in a semi-reclined position or while lying down. Utilize the holds and positions that work best for you and your children.


    Understand the advantages of tandem breastfeeding. When you're nursing children of different ages, tandem breastfeeding can help eliminate the jealousy that the older child feels towards her younger sibling. With the older child allowed to still nurse at the breast, she will continue to get the many health benefits of breast milk. The mother also will get rest, relaxation and quiet time if she chooses to breastfeed her children simultaneously.

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