Saturday, April 14, 2012

How to Lose Post-Pregnancy Pounds With Weight Watchers

Weight watchers is a great weight loss program. Most women trying to lose their pregnancy weight use the point system where foods based on calories, fats and fiber are assigned a certain number of points. Each person on the program is given a goal points for the day, based on weight, exercise amount and whether the person is breastfeeding.



    Join the Weight Watcher's Program. You can join online or at weight Watcher's locations (see Resources below). You will probably not be able to stick to a Weight Watcher's diet unless you have officially enrolled in Weight Watchers.


    Plan to attend the Weight Watcher's Meetings. You will have better success at these meetings than you will on your own.


    Breastfeed your baby if possible. Breastfeeding is a great way to burn calories and Weight Watcher's automatically adds extra points to breastfeeding moms, since it burns so many calories. Many breastfeeding moms find it easy to lose their pregnancy weight using Weight Watchers.


    Build exercise into your regime. Weight Watchers gives extra points when you exercise, depending on the type of exercise and how long you exercise for. Exercise is actually one of the best ways to lose your pregnancy weight. In addition, if you exercise, you'll have more energy for dealing with your baby if you exercise.


    Make it a life-long plan. One of the problems many people have with weight loss is keeping the weight permanently off. Plan on using the tips you learn from weight watchers to keep your pregnancy weight permanently off (or at least until you have your next baby).

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