Sunday, December 18, 2011

Natural Ways to Increase Breast Milk Supply

Natural Ways to Increase Breast Milk Supply

With a newborn in arms, mothers have the task of returning to their pre-pregnancy lives while caring for their infants. Some mothers choose to nurture their babies while bottle-feeding; others choose to breast-feed and still others use a combination of methods to ensure their babies thrive during infancy. Some babies fail to reach weight-specific milestones during this time, and doctors may recommend more frequent feedings or supplementing breast-feeding with bottle-feeding to ensure the baby has the nutrients needed to grow properly. Mothers may wish to increase their breast milk supply so that they do not have to supplement with formula.

Feed More Often

    Your baby's demand for milk determines your production of milk. To increase milk supply, allow your baby to nurse whenever he wants. The more he nurses, the more milk you produce. Nursing for longer periods will also allow him access to more milk. Offering both breasts to him at each feeding helps encourage more milk intake. If baby falls asleep during feeding, try to gently awaken him and encourage more feeding. It is important to be sure he latches onto the breast properly. If he does not have a good latch on the nipple, he may not take in as much milk as he needs to feel satisfied. Nursing baby whenever he wants and being sure he nurses 8 to 10 times a day (at least every three hours) will ensure he has lots of time at the breast. Milk production will increase to keep up with the higher demand for milk.


    If you return to work while your baby is still breast-feeding, you may experience a drop in milk production since your baby is not at the breast while you are at work. Taking a breast pump to work and pumping during times when your baby would usually be feeding is a good way to maintain breast milk supply. Most employers will allow you to use a private space to pump milk for your baby. In some cases, state law requires employers to provide such space. Some breast pumps also come with battery packs and car-operated power cords so breast pumping can be done in a vehicle. Driving while pumping is not recommended.


    Herbs that increase breast milk supply are called galactagogues. Although herbal galactagogues are not pharmaceutical preparations, they do cause reactions in the body and should be taken with caution. Some common galactagogues are fenugreek and fennel. There are teas, tablets and capsules available. Some herbs have other effects such as causing uterine contractions and allergic reactions. Be sure to follow your doctor's or herbalist's advice regarding the use of herbs.


    Staying adequately hydrated and drinking a tall glass of water at each feeding will help your body produce enough milk for your baby. Pacifiers and bottles can impede baby's time at the breast, so allow your baby to suckle only at the breast to promote increased milk production.

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