Monday, December 19, 2011

Bottle-Feeding vs. Breastfeeding Pros & Cons

Bottle-Feeding vs. Breastfeeding Pros & Cons

Bottle-feeding and breastfeeding are two options available to any woman who gives birth to a newborn child. Both bottle-feeding and breastfeeding come with pros and cons, though in general breastfeeding is considered the better option for various reasons. Before you can make a well-educated decision about whether to breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby, you need to weigh the pros and cons of both options.

Baby Health and Breastfeeding

    For a baby's health, the best option is breastfeeding. Breast milk is easier for the baby to digest, so problems like constipation are uncommon or nonexistent. It also provides the baby with antibodies from the mother, creating a stronger immune system. Breast milk goes even further by providing the baby with perfect and well-balanced nutrition. The baby has all of her needs relating to vitamins and minerals met through breast milk.

Cost of Breastfeeding

    Breastfeeding is much less expensive than formula feeding. The milk is naturally produced and does not require bottles or formula, which can be expensive and add up quickly. In general, most mothers can either feed the baby for free or have minimal feeding costs. Some mothers might require nursing pads and nursing bra, but the price is much lower than the cost of the formula-related supplies.

Inconvenience of Breastfeeding

    In the case of a working mother or a busy mom with other children, she may find that breastfeeding is inconvenient. Only the mother is able to feed the baby, or she must use a breast pump to create a supply of milk when she is not available. If she is busy and the baby is hungry, she must stop what she is doing and feed the baby. In public locations, she may have to go out of her way to feed the baby by leaving the room or covering up with a blanket.

Convenience of Bottle-Feeding

    The main pros relating to bottle-feeding are a matter of convenience. In most situations, allowing others to prepare the formula and feed the baby from a bottle is convenient because sometimes Daddy can feed the baby, a babysitter can feed the baby and Mommy can go back to work without needing to worry about using a pump.

Baby Health and Bottle-Feeding

    In some situations, such as when the mother has a disease that passes through breast milk, or when she is taking medications that are potentially harmful to the baby, feeding the baby from a bottle is better for his health. For example, if a woman had cancer, she would need to take medications that are not healthy for the baby and thus bottle-feeding is the healthier option.

Cons of Bottle-Feeding

    The cons of bottle-feeding are numerous. In general, bottle-feeding is not as healthy for a baby because it provides less balanced nutrition for the baby's constantly changing needs. It also does not provide antibodies, possibly resulting in a weaker overall immune system. Formula also comes with a very high financial cost, typically ranging from around $50 to $200 per month, depending on the brand.

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