Saturday, October 15, 2011

How Can I Get My Milk to Come In?

How Can I Get My Milk to Come In?

Breastfeeding is a nurturing bonding experience between a mother and her baby. Unfortunately, many women struggle to get their milk supply established, so that they can nurse for as long as possible. There are steps that a mom can take early on, in order to get her milk to come in quickly and in high quantities -- so that she doesn't have to supplement her baby's diet.



    Gently massage the breasts or nipples; Either will release oxytocin in the brain and signal that more milk is needed. Likewise, expressing some milk, while performing a breast massage sets off the body's need to produce milk to replace what was expressed.


    Nurse your baby as much as possible, to develop a strong milk supply. This is especially true in the early weeks while your supply is establishing itself and your infant is learning how to properly nurse. Breastfeed on demand, and as a comfort technique, when your baby becomes upset, tired or overstimulated.


    Avoid using pacifiers and bottles for at least the first four weeks of a baby's life. Nipple confusion occurs when a baby is fed through both a bottle and breast early on, or when a pacifier is offered too soon. Nipple confusion leads babies to nurse less often, as pacifiers provide comfort and bottles are easier to use. The reduced feeding leads to a lower milk supply.


    Speak to your doctor about your milk supply. A doctor can prescribe medication such as Domperidone and Metoclopramide to help a mother build a strong milk supply. Mothers who wish to avoid taking medications while breastfeeding can try natural supplements such as Fenugreek, an herb that has been used for many years to naturally enhance a mother's breastfeeding experience.


    Pump in between every feeding. A breast pump helps to stimulate oxytocin production and increase a mother's milk supply. Even if very little milk results, the pumping will signal the breasts to produce more milk.


    Drink a glass of water each time the baby nurses and eat a healthy, balanced diet. In order to produce a strong, healthy milk supply a mom must remain hydrated. Likewise, a healthy diet that includes fresh foods and a prenatal multivitamin supports a mother's body while it works to establish breastfeeding.

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