Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tips for Breastfeeding a Baby With Teeth

Tips for Breastfeeding a Baby With Teeth

Many mothers worry that breastfeeding their baby will hurt once their baby gets teeth. Not only is it alright to continue breastfeeding, but it is recommended. The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding exclusively until 6 months, and continuing to breastfeed until at least 2 years old. Breastfeeding a baby with teeth usually does not feel any different than feeding a baby without any teeth. But sometimes a baby may bite, especially when he is teething. There are a few things that can be done.

Discourage Biting

    One thing mothers worry about with a teething baby is biting. Each baby is different; some babies bite and some don't. The key to stopping this is not to yell, jump or otherwise startle your baby. Startling your baby may make her scared of breastfeeding, as she will associate breastfeeding with getting yelled at. It may be hard at first, but if your baby bites while breastfeeding, take her off and tell her "no" with a stern but gentle voice. She will soon begin to realize that it is not okay to bite, and that if she does, it means the feeding will be stopped for a while.

Only Nurse When Hungry

    Try to only breastfeed your baby when he is hungry, at least until he has learned not to bite anymore. A baby is more likely to bite when he is done eating and just latched on. Watch for signs that your baby is done eating. He will start looking around the room and may seem distracted or bored. This is your cue to end the nursing session. A baby who is properly latched on and eating will rarely bite.

Give Other Outlets for Biting

    A teething baby bites because the pressure feels good for her. Provide her with lots of teething toys so she has the opportunity to bite appropriately. A good teething toy will have bumps and different surfaces to provide counterpressure to your baby's gums. There are water-filled teethers that can be chilled in the refrigerator to provide teething relief. If you find your baby biting you, give her a teething toy to chew on so she sees that biting is alright, just not on you.

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