Monday, January 3, 2011

Natural Methods to Improve the Immune System

A healthy immune system is the body's natural defense against illness or infection. Environmental and emotional stresses, age, and poor nutrition can diminish immune system effectiveness. Healthy eating and exercise habits and herbal supplements are natural methods to improve the immune system in adults, while breastfeeding provides the best natural enhancement to immune systems in the next generation.


    The U.K. health website What Really Works reports poor nutrition as the most common cause of a depleted immune system. Dozens of research studies reported by the staff at Life Extension connect malnutrition and dietary deficiencies to immune system weakness while linking healthy dietary choices to a boost in immunity and enhanced ability to prevent disease. WebMD staff reports that fat and sugar reduce immune system response, while increased consumption of antioxidants from a healthy diet boost immunity and fight infection. The easiest natural method to improve immunity and enhance overall health is to increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat protein sources such as legumes and fish, while decreasing consumption of processed foods and foods high in fat and sugar. Sufficient sleep and daily moderate exercise are also natural methods of boosting immune system health.

Herbs and Supplements

    Vitamin supplements may provide nutrients such as vitamins C, E and A, which support healthy immune function when those elements cannot be supported by a diverse diet. Elders and people whose medical conditions make it difficult for them to consume enough healthful food to absorb sufficient immune-boosting nutrition may benefit from taking supplements. Herbalists have long touted echinacea as an immune-system booster. A recent study by University of Florida nutrition researcher Susan Percival found echinacea supplements boosted white blood cells' infection-fighting power threefold in a period of four days. Echinacea is available in supplements, extracts and teas. Goldenseal, garlic and maitake mushrooms are also widely reported by herbalists as enhancing immune function.


    Breastfeeding is the natural method of improving immune system development in infants. Breastfeeding not only helps protect the child during their infancy, but it also helps build a healthy immune system that will last a lifetime. As Jane Sheppard writes in the Healthy Child parenting guide, "In addition to providing the absolute best nutrition for a growing body, breastmilk provides the factors needed to develop the immune system and protect your baby against disease."

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