Monday, January 28, 2013

How to Keep Milk Production After Weaning

How to Keep Milk Production After Weaning

As a breast feeding mother, you could find yourself in a situation where you must wean your child from your breast. The end of your maternity leave could mean your child must stay with a nanny during the day and drink from a bottle. if you still want to breast feed when you are home with your child you must make sure your breast continue to produce milk while you are not physically with your child. Fortunately, it is not difficult to keep your milk production up while weaning your child.



    Wean your child from breast feeding in the days leading up to your return to work or whatever situation you are in that has you wanting to wean your baby. The process of weaning should be done slowly to get your child used to drinking from a bottle more often.


    Pump your breasts when you are not breast feeding. Because you are weaning your child from the breast does not mean that you have to lose your milk supply. Pumping regularly will keep your breasts producing milk at a regular pace.


    Take your pump to work, or wherever you are, so you can pump every few hours, even if you only have a few moments in the restroom or your office to do so. Keeping your breasts stimulated and empty helps them to refill with milk and increase your production.


    Freeze breast milk in breast milk bags, which you can buy in the baby feeding section of any store with baby food and formula, with the date written on it so you know when the milk was originally frozen. Use frozen breast milk by thawing it and placing it in a bottle; place the bottle in a warm bowl of water for a few minutes to warm it up before feeding your baby.

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