Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Do I Wean My Toddler Who Wants to Nurse All of the Time?

How Do I Wean My Toddler Who Wants to Nurse All of the Time?

There are several health and emotional benefits to breast-feeding a baby and toddler. It not only bonds the child with his mother but also provides him with essential hormones, cells and antibodies that, according to Women's Health, protect the baby from disease. Most babies will begin to wean naturally as solid foods are introduced, or between six months and one year of age. Some children breast-feed into the toddler years, and weaning them can be a challenge.



    Wean the toddler off breast-feeding gradually, not all at once. Phase out feeding times slowly instead of expecting the toddler to stop altogether.


    Replace a regular breast-feeding time for the toddler with a special treat. For instance, if the toddler generally breast-feeds first thing in the morning, offer her a cup of juice or a bowl filled with her favorite brightly colored fruits.


    Feed the child small snacks, and keep him well hydrated throughout the day. This will help ensure that the toddler is full and satisfied when his regularly scheduled breast-feeding times occur.


    Cover your nipples with a liquid that has an unpleasant taste. Choose garlic oil, lemon or anything other edible liquid that won't irritate your skin. The toddler will begin to associate breast-feeding times with this unpleasant taste.


    Entertain the child throughout the day, especially during times when she normally wants to be breast-fed. The child will be so distracted that she will not realize that a breast-feeding session has been missed.


    Choose other alternatives to breast-feeding the toddler when he is tired, frightened or bored. Instead, read the child a book to help him sleep, and give him a special toy to cuddle when he is scared.


    Look the child in the eye and use his newly burgeoning vocal and listening abilities to explain why breast-feeding will cease. Explain to the toddler that big boys and girls use cups and do not breast-feed.


    Purchase brightly colored sippy cups for the toddler. Personalize the cups by writing the child's name on the side and covering them with stickers. The toddler will be excited to use his new sippy cup as an alternative to breast-feeding.

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