Monday, April 22, 2013

Fixing the Short Luteal Phase Due to Breastfeeding

Fixing the Short Luteal Phase Due to Breastfeeding

If you are trying to conceive and are breastfeeding, fertility might be an issue. Breastfeeding increases prolactin and other hormone levels that can inhibit ovulation. How breastfeeding affects a woman's fertility varies from person to person.


    According to Judith Lauwers and Anna Swisher, co-authors of "Counseling the Nursing Mother," the length of infertility is related to frequency, intervals, nighttime feedings and lack of food supplementation. When ovulation returns, a short luteal phase--a time span of 10 days or less between ovulation and menstruation--can occur.

Nighttime Weaning

    The amount of time between nighttime feedings should be around six hours and is often done when parent and child can communicate.


    If your older child breastfeeds when bored, distractions can be helpful. Reading books, playing games and eating a snack are distractions to help lengthen the time between breastfeedings.

Introduce Food

    Start introducing healthy foods to your breastfeeding child. Avoid high-risk allergy foods and follow food safety tips. Breast milk continues to offer the best nutrition for your child beyond a year old.


    Weaning to increase your fertility should be done gradually to help ease the transition. Try one suggestion at a time; if fertility does not return, add another. Speak with a lactation consultant if you have additional concerns.

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