Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pros & Cons of Bottlefeeding

The decision about how to feed your infant can be confusing and daunting. While the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding over bottle-feeding, there are reasons why bottle-feeding can be the preferred choice for some parents.


    If you plan to return to work after the baby is born, bottle-feeding may be an attractive option because anybody can help feed the baby.


    There are no maternal dietary restrictions when bottle-feeding with formula, and you can take medication if you get sick. Your baby's nutritional requirements will be met as long as you prepare the formula according to the package instructions. Formula can take longer for a baby to digest, which means your baby may not need to eat as often as a breastfed baby.


    Formula can be expensive, particularly if your baby has certain nutritional requirements. For example, if your baby is lactose intolerant you may need to buy soy formula. You will also need to invest in bottles, nipples and sterilizing equipment. Measuring and heating formula can be time-consuming.

Time Frame

    There is no specific time frame during which you need to start bottle-feeding your baby.


    Some mothers feel guilty for bottle-feeding their babies and label themselves as failures for using formula. There is nothing wrong with choosing to bottle-feed your baby.

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