Thursday, January 3, 2013

How to Slim down like a Celebrity Post Pregnancy

It is a celebrities job to look good and they spend a lot of money for the best help to get their pre-baby body back within 2 months. Be grateful you don't have the same kind of pressure and scrutiny to slim down that fast. But here are some tips to getting your ideal post baby body.



    Hire a chef to provide all your healthy, low fat meals. Hire a personal trainer to whip you into shape during and after your pregnancy. Have an elective C-Section and Tummy Tuck a couple weeks before you due date to keep from gaining those extra pounds. Hire a great hair stylist and personal stylist and makeup artist to get you looking amazing for you first photos with baby.....
    But you know what? Luckily we aren't under the same scrutiny and spotlight and don't have to go through the same extremes. We can enjoy our newborn infant and just focus on bonding with the new baby and enjoying the transition to motherhood without having to worry about eating perfect and straining our already strained bodies trying to shed the pounds fast. For a more realistic approach, see the following steps.


    9 months. It took 9 months to put on the weight, give yourself 9 months to lose it all in a realistic time frame. However, it is possible for some women to lose the weight sooner.


    Once you are given the okay by your doctor, begin exercising. Make sure you get a good cardiovascular work out at least 4 times a week. Try swimming, jogging, skipping, or spinning.


    You will also need to do strength training to tone your body. Not only have you gained weight while pregnant, but have probably lost muscle tone. Cardio will help you lose pounds but strength training will give you that tight look. Try using resistance bands.


    Eliminate all junk food from your diet. Focus on eating foods that contain plenty of protein and fiber. Eat plenty of vegetables. This is also important if you are breastfeeding. But don't restrict your calories too much or it may affect your milk supply.


    Breastfeeding your baby will help you burn an extra 500 calories a day.


    You will probably lose the pounds faster than you get your tummy firm and tight again. Just stick in there and enjoy getting the activity.


    To include your baby, check for a local mom and baby fitness class at your community center or join a stroller strides group.

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