Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How to Develop a Positive Body Image After Childbirth

Pregnancy takes a woman's body on a physical and emotional roller coaster. It can be really difficult to regain or boost a positive body image without the right mindset. Having a strong support system at home and in your community is a vital part of your recovery, but it is important to know that you can give this to yourself. Learn great ways to motivate yourself and feel great despite the way you look after pregnancy.



    Love yourself. Your body has sacrificed its shape and has succumbed to so many changes. The only way to make a better outside you is to love the inside of you. You cant change the outside without creating a healthy mindset. Realize that you just gave life to a human being.


    Remember that it takes 9 months to create a baby so expecting your body to completely return to your pre-pregnancy figure immediately is sure to get you down. You may lose all of your weight fairly quickly, like within weeks of giving birth however, the structure of your body has changed. Your stomach will likely be darker and if you had stretch marksthey dont get any better now that your belly is gone.


    Breastfeed your baby to get the weight off at a more rapid pace.


    Work out. There is no way to get your body even remotely close to what it was without working out. As stated before, you may lose the weight but you will have to do a lot more than just breastfeed in order to tighten it up. Whether you want to hear it or not, the flab needs to be firmed. Do crunches, run, jog, walk and dont be lazy. The worst thing to do is sit around sulking and crying about your body.


    Return to healthy eating habits. Since your body is not dividing the nutrients or junk that youre eating anymore, its all going to you. You dont so much have to diet but avoid greasy and fatty foods. Also, limiting the junk snacks and adding more greens keeps you regular. It may be gross, but being clogged up can really make you feel heavier.


    Buy new clothes. Let shopping be your catharsis! Its therapeutic. Realize that your clothes will not fit the same after you have a baby. Your boobs and your hips are bigger and your pants may give you that little mushroom affect with your stomach. Buy some clothes that fit and flatter your new body. Shopping will definitely help to build a positive body image after childbirth.


    Stop listening to what other people and other moms say if it gets you down. No woman is created the same way. Some women regain their body shape in 3 weeks, and it takes months or even years for some. Go with the flow of your body and dont pay attention to what your neighbors best friends daughter went through.


    Get out of the house. Theres nothing like fresh air to make you feel better. Even if its just for a quick walk around the block, youll feel a lot better than just sitting in the house all day.


    Wear a body shaper if youre still a little body conscious about your midsection.

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