Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to Bottle Feed in the Early Weeks

How to Bottle Feed in the Early Weeks

Feeding a newborn baby can consist of traditional breastfeeding, bottle feeding or a combination of the two. While bottle feeding a newborn doesn't have the same health benefits as breastfeeding, it's still the preference of some mothers. Since the mechanics of bottle feeding are slightly different than breastfeeding, there are certain techniques that should be implemented. Following five guidelines should help most parents in successfully bottle feeding their newborn.



    Sterilize all new bottle feeding equipment thoroughly before feeding your baby. This can be accomplished by placing the nipple, bottle and ring in a pot of boiling water for approximately five minutes. Afterward, the parts should be placed on a clean towel and allowed to air dry.


    Place all bottle feeding equipment in your dishwasher after the initial sterilization process. Doing so should ensure that the equipment is completely clean and safe to use.


    Feed your baby his formula approximately once every three hours. While every baby's feeding cycles will differ slightly, this frequency is average. During each feeding, it's usually best to give your baby anywhere from 1 to 3 ounces of formula. As he gets bigger, he will need more formula later on, but he will only need a minimal amount during the first weeks.


    Turn the bottle up so that the nipple is completely filled with formula while feeding. Doing so will make it easier for your baby to get a steady stream of formula with less struggle.


    Hold your baby in roughly a 45-degree angle during feeding. This will help prevent him from sucking down excess amounts of air and make the process smoother.

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