Sunday, May 20, 2012

How to Increase Breast Milk After Going to Work

How to Increase Breast Milk After Going to Work

Many mothers choose to continue giving their baby breast milk after going back to work. Expressing milk at work will allow you to provide for your baby. Finding a time and place for expressing milk varies depending on the type of job you have. Good planning and preparation can make the transition easier for both mother and child. It is normal for milk production to taper off when away from the baby, but it is possible to maintain or even increase your milk supply while working.



    Begin storing milk as soon as your baby is accustomed to breastfeeding. The best way to do this is to pump breast milk after each feeding with your baby. Put the milk in a freezer-safe container and label with the current date. This not only starts your stockpile of milk, but should increase your milk supply by stimulating milk ducts even after the baby is done drinking. If possible, use a breast pump that pumps both breasts at the same time. Your baby is not deprived, since he or she always drinks first.


    Find a quiet, comfortable place at work to pump. You are likely to pump more when relaxed than when stressed. Bring a picture of your baby to look at while pumping, or at least think about a happy time you had with your child. All of these psychological triggers aid in breast milk production. If a quiet place is not available, consider using ear plugs or music to block out stressful sounds.


    Pump at work as often as you fed your child at home. If your baby eats every 2 hours, you should be pumping that often at work. If that is just not possible, pump as often as you can for at least 20 minutes each time. Store the milk in the refrigerator or in a cooler with ice packs.


    Continue nursing on the weekends and pumping after baby eats. Even after returning to work, continue pumping after each feeding. Store the milk in the freezer for use during the week. Nursing before and after work each day can also help increase your supply. This special time can also calm your nerves after a stressful day at work.


    Eat a healthful diet. You will need about 200 more calories each day while breastfeeding than while pregnant. In some cases, breastfeeding is like nature's weight loss plan for new moms, but be sure to eat enough to maintain your milk supply. Foods like oatmeal are not only healthy for you, but may increase your milk supply.

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