Friday, June 24, 2011

Medela Breast Pump Instructions

If you want your baby to have all of the benefits of breast milk, but can't be there to breast-feed all the time or are having trouble breast-feeding, pumping is an option. A Medela Breast Pump allows you to pump your breast milk and use it to bottle feed your baby, so that even if he can't breast-feed, he can still get all of the health benefits of breast milk.


    It is recommended that you boil it once a day to sterilize it before use.

    Before you use your Medela Breast Pump, you'll need to put it together. Put the pump together by snapping the white membrane pieces onto the yellow valves so that they lie flat. Push the valves into place on the breast pump connectors, and then put the inserts into the breast shields. Screw the containers onto the bottom of the breast pump to collect the milk, and push the adapter tubes into the openings on the back of the pump. You are now ready to extract milk.


    To extract milk, you should find a quiet place where you can relax. Some women even find it helpful to pump close to their babies. Position the breast shield exactly over the the breast so that the nipple is centered in the shield. While holding the shield on with one hand, turn the pump on with the other. Make sure to turn the pump to its lowest setting prior to turning it on. You can increase the pressure as you get more comfortable during your pumping session to extract the milk faster and more easily. The suction of the pump should keep you from having to hold the shields on, but you can steady them if that feels more comfortable. You should be able to see and feel your breast compressing with the vacuum. If not, check your seal and make sure that no clothes are in the way. The shields should be directly on your skin to work properly. Pump until you feel empty, usually about 10 minutes depending on your supply.

Storage and Disassembly

    When you're done pumping, switch the pump off and turn the dial back down to the lowest setting for next time. Remove the shields carefully, and unscrew the containers holding the milk. You can immediately move the milk to a freezer bag for storage, or put it in the fridge. The Medela Breast Pump also comes with a cooler bag that you can put the containers in until you are able to get to a fridge.

    Disassemble the pump and wipe it down with antibacterial wipes or warm, soapy water for your next use.

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