Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Get the Most From Pumping Breastmilk

How to Get the Most From Pumping Breastmilk

If you're a nursing mom and it's time to return to work, one big challenge is how to continue feeding your baby with breast milk, which is essential to her growth. Pumping breast milk and storing it for your infant to consume while you're away is the only way to ensure that your child receives breast milk even if it's through bottle-feeding. With proper planning, the right equipment and a positive attitude, you can continue to breastfeed for a longer time and sustain your child's nutrition.



    Meet with a health professional who will be able to familiarize you with your breast pump, give you pointers on how to properly set the vacuum levels, and make sure your equipment is working. She will also check the size of the pump horn and can help you order different horns if they do not fit.


    Drink plenty of water. If you are dehydrated, you will not maintain a good supply of milk. To know if you are drinking enough water, look at your urine. If it is the color of lemon juice, you are doing well. If it is dark or if it has an odor, you need to drink more water.


    Pump milk at least 10 minutes per breast, but no more than 20 minutes. Do not rush. There may be periods when it seems like your body is done giving milk. It is normal to go through cycles when the milk will flow and stop throughout your pumping session.


    Relax when you are pumping so your milk will let-down (a tingling feeling as the milk begins to flow out). If you feel relaxed but still do not experience let-down, put a warm compress over your breasts, look at a picture of your child or carry a piece of clothing that smells like your baby. These will help stimulate let-down.


    Find something to occupy your time while you are pumping. This will help you keep your mind off of how many ounces of milk you have pumped. If you find yourself obsessing over the amount of milk expressed, lower your shirt over the pump horn and bottle.

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