Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How to Eliminate Foot Odor With Alternative Remedies

Foot odor is a condition that most people get on occasion. In some cases, however, there are individuals who may find that their foot odor is more chronic. This can cause a degree of social embarrassment. Contributing factors to foot odor include diet, personal hygiene, perspiration, wearing "non-breathing" shoes, fungal infections and bacteria. If you desire to get rid of the problem, you might want to give some alternative remedies a chance to find out if they can provide a fix for stinky feet.



    Cut back on "smell-inducing" foods. If you enjoy eating foods like onions and garlic, be aware that your sweat glands can absorb their odors and cause your body, including your feet, to have an unpleasant smell.


    Think about taking zinc supplements, as your foot odor may indicate that you are zinc-deficient. Before taking zinc, you need to speak with your doctor, if you take immuno-suppressant medications, antibiotics, ACE inhibitors, penicillamine, hydralazine, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are on hormone replacement therapy or are pregnant and breastfeeding.


    Boil some regular tea bags and, afterwards, pour the tea you made into a foot tub and soak your feet for a half an hour. Repeat this once every day, until you notice an improvement and reduction of foot odor. Tea contains tannic acid, which works as a natural deodorizer and aids in getting rid of smells.


    Wear cotton socks instead of synthetic ones. Synthetic socks make your feet perspire more, which contributes to foot odor. Cotton socks make your feet feel cooler and your feet sweat less. Before putting on your socks, sprinkle cornstarch inside the feet of them, as an added help for reducing perspiration and odor.


    Get out the apple cider vinegar and add 1/3 cup of it to a foot tub of warm water, then soak in the solution for at least 20 minutes. Do this daily to help eliminate smelly feet.


    Use liquid chlorophyll, which is helpful in eliminating most types of body odor. Follow the dosage instructions on the product you use. Chlorophyll has Vitamin K, so some caution may be warranted. It is important that you consult with your doctor before taking chlorophyll, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or taking prescription drugs, such as orlistat, warfarin, phenytoin, antibiotics or doxorubicin. If you are being treated for a serious illness, you should also speak with your doctor before using chlorophyll.

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