Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to Naturally Produce More Breast Milk

How to Naturally Produce More Breast Milk

Every mother's body is different. While some pregnant women suffer severe morning sickness for weeks, others feel terrific every day of their pregnancy. These types of differences extend to breastfeeding. Some new mothers produce an overabundance of breast milk, some produce just enough and others struggle to keep up with the demands of their hungry babies. If you would like to produce more breast milk, there are a number of actions you can take. While some are common sense, others are tricks of the trade shared by professional lactation consultants and physicians.



    Allow and encourage your baby to nurse often. The more breast milk your baby consumes, the more milk your body will produce.


    Pump breast milk often. Just as your body will produce more breast milk after a baby depletes the current supply, your body will produce more milk if a pump depletes the current supply. Literature from the Oregon Health and Science University states that mothers of newborns should pump at least eight times a day, or for a total of at least 100 minutes in every 24-hour period, using a medical-grade breast pump.


    Drink plenty of fluids. Staying hydrated will help your body produce more milk. The general guideline is to "drink to thirst," meaning to drink up whenever you are thirsty. If you're having trouble consuming enough fluids, drink something that appeals to you, because when you enjoy the taste of your beverage, chances are you'll drink more. Its best to stick with healthy choices, however. Consider fruit juice, vegetable juice, decaffeinated tea, flavored water or milk.


    Rest up and eat healthy foods. Getting plenty of rest is easier said than done with an infant in the house. However, your body requires a good deal of energy to produce milk, so getting plenty of rest ensures that your body is up to the task. Eating healthy foods also helps supply your body with plenty of energy.


    Take a fenugreek supplement. This herb is commonly taken by nursing mothers to help them produce more milk, and has been for centuries. Literature from the University of Washington Medical Center states that mothers wanting to increase their breast milk production typically take the supplement with water three times per day, at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fenugreek should not be taken by pregnant women or by those who are taking a blood-thinning medication. Before taking fenugreek, talk to your pediatrician, obstetrician or lactation consultant.


    Visit a lactation consultant. Lactation consultants are trained professionals who help you ensure your baby is breastfeeding properly and getting adequate nutrition. If something about your breast milk or breastfeeding situation is amiss, a lactation consultant works with you to turn that around, helping you achieve optimum breast milk production and your baby achieve optimum breast milk consumption.

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